Special Conditions in the NEC Chapter 7

$ 29.00

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10

Expected Duration: 1 Hour

This self-paced online course explains articles in the NEC that address emergency, standby and critical power systems. This module covers four articles that address related topics.

Upon completion you should be able to:

  • Identify the basic similarities and differences between four related articles:
    • Article 701, Emergency Systems.
    • Article 702, Legally Required Standby Systems.
    • Article 703, Optional Standby Systems.
    • Article 708, Critical Operations Power Systems (COPS).
  • Explain basic similarities and differences among emergency, legally required standby and optional standby systems.
  • Explain how emergency, legally required standby and optional standby systems differ in addressing key issues.
  • Explain special considerations for critical operations power systems (COPS) and how those systems compare to emergency, legally required standby and optional standby systems.

Who Will Benefit

Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects.

Course Summary

  • Articles 700, 701 and 702 address related topics and share the same numbering system within each article.
  • Articles 700 (Emergency Systems) deals with power requirements that directly affect life safety issues. Article 701 (Legally Required Standby Systems) addresses power requirements that could affect safety, typically by affecting rescue or firefighting operations, and are deemed necessary by the AHJ. Article 702 (Optional Standby Systems) covers systems that are not addressed by Articles 700 or 701.
  • These three articles address testing and maintenance, capacity requirements, transfer equipment, signals, signs, circuit wiring, sources of power and selective coordination.
  • Article 708 (Critical Operations Power Systems, or COPS) covers systems that are designated as critical by governmental authorities, by other codes or by facility engineering documentation.
  • Articles 700, 701 and 708 are very similar in some respects, but Article 708 goes into more detail about certain requirements intended to help assure the continuity of power and communications systems.