NEC Requirements
$ 29.00
Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10
Expected Duration: 1 Hour
This self-paced online course covers NFPA 70, which details National Electrical Code (NEC) wiring and installation requirements for fire alarm circuits, devices, and appliances. The purpose of the NEC is to protect people and property from the hazards of electricity. Some NEC contains some requirements for fire alarm systems are more stringent than for other electrical systems covered by the NEC, and some are less restrictive.
Upon completion you should be able to:
- Explain the purpose of the NEC, relative to fire alarm systems
- List the applicable NEC articles, relative to fire alarm systems
- Distinguish between power limited circuits and non-power limited circuits
- Explain what is covered by Article 760 of the NEC
- Define "fire alarm circuit" as defined in the NEC
- List the power limitation (volt-amps) for power-limited fire alarm circuits
- Explain NEC chapter 3 wiring methods
- Differentiate between a plenum and other space for environmental air, as listed in the NEC
- List proper wiring types allowed to be installed in certain areas
- Explain the requirements of NEC article 500 as it relates to fire alarm systems
Who Will Benefit
Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects
Course Summary
- Article 760 of the NEC covers the installation of wiring and circuits for fire alarm systems, including all circuits controlled and powered by the fire alarm system.
- NEC Article 760, Fire Alarm Systems, refers to other NEC articles that apply to wiring that may be part of a fire alarm system.
- While equipped with overcurrent protection, non-power-limited fire alarm circuits are powered by a source that is not necessarily inherently limited in the amount of current that can be on the circuit, even under fault conditions.
- Article 760 permits wiring methods for fire alarm systems that are less stringent than installations for normal light and power service.
- For circuits operating at 150 volts or less, non-power-limited cables are available which, with certain restrictions, may be installed exposed.
- A power-limited fire alarm circuit is one that is powered by a source that is inherently limited in the amount of current that can be on the circuit, even under fault conditions. For DC circuits operating at 20 to 100 volts, the limit is 100 volt-amperes.
- Power-limited circuits must be marked so that personnel working on the system know they are working on power-limited circuits. If circuits are not so marked, the assumption that the circuits are non-power-limited is applicable.
- In general, power-limited circuits may be installed using the installation methods in NEC Chapter 3, non-power-limited cables, or power-limited cables.
- The NEC requires that all conductors used in fire alarm systems be copper. Aluminum conductors are not permitted. Conductors may be solid or stranded.
- NEC Section 760-10 requires that all fire alarm system circuits be identified at terminal and junction locations in a manner that will prevent unintentional interference with the signaling circuit during testing and servicing.
- NEC Section 300-11 requires that all cable assemblies, raceways, boxes, cabinets, and fittings be securely supported from the building structure.
- NEC Section 760-61 permits various types of cables to be substituted for power-limited fire alarm circuit cables.
- Where fire alarm devices and circuits are installed in locations subject to flammable vapors or combustible dusts, the installation must meet the requirements of NEC Article 500 for Hazardous (Classified) Locations.