Supervisory Initiating Devices
$ 29.00
Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10
Expected Duration: 1 Hour
This self-paced online course covers the important "oversight" function of supervisory initiating devices to fire alarm systems, security, process control, and other critical functions. It explains the types and operations of the devices used to initiate supervisory signals in a fire alarm system.
Upon completion you should be able to:
- Explain the function of valve supervisory switches, waterflow supervisory switches, building and water temperature supervisory switches, pressure supervisory switches, fire pump signal supervisory switches
- Explain the requirements for monitoring critical processes, electric fire pumps, engine driven fire pumps, dry pipe sprinkler valves and systems, pre-action sprinkler valves and systems, building temperature, water storage tanks used for fire protection, special fire suppression systems
- Explain how a fire alarm system can be used to monitor the security guard
Who Will Benefit
Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects.
Course Summary
- SUPERVISORY SIGNALS are those signals that indicate an "off normal" condition in some other monitored fire protection or life safety system.
- A SUPERVISORY INITIATING DEVICE is a fire alarm system component that originates transmission of a signal indicating an off normal condition in a fire protection or life safety system, or other building function or process monitored by the building fire alarm system.
- The most common supervisory initiating device is a valve supervisory switch designed to assure that sprinkler and fire protection water supply valves are open. Critical valves in other fire suppression systems may also be supervised.
- Building temperature supervisory switches are used to monitor the temperature in areas where sprinkler piping is subject to freezing if building heat is lost.
- Pressure switches are used as supervisory initiating devices to monitor the readiness of dry-pipe sprinkler systems. If the air pressure in the system varies more than 10 psi from normal, a supervisory signal is initiated.
- Supervision of electric fire pumps include power availability, pump running, and phase reversal.
- Supervision of diesel fire pumps include pump running, controller in other than the "automatic" position, and engine trouble. A common signal may be used to indicate engine trouble conditions such as low oil pressure, high engine temperature, and battery failure.
- Fire protection water supplies are supervised to assure they are available during a fire. Typical items that are supervised include the level and temperature of water supply tanks, and the pressure of incoming public water supplies.
- The fire alarm system may also be used to supervise non-fire protection features in the facility, such as guard patrol tours and critical processes within the facility.