Classification Basics

$ 29.00

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10

Expected Duration: 1 Hour

This self-paced online course covers the basics of classification, including how to recognize areas that may be classified, the key issues and terminology used to classify areas, how to reduce the extent of classified areas, and reduce the quantity of special equipment needed.

Upon completion you should be able to:

  • Identify what makes an area classified
  • List and describe how the hazards of electrical equipment can be reduced in classified areas
  • Identify how circuits may be designed to reduce hazards in classified areas
  • Identify how the environment may be modified to reduce hazards
  • List and define key terms, including auto ignition temperature, flash point, ignitable mixture, flammable range, combustible material, flammable liquid, combustible liquid, combustible dust
  • Explain classification terminology, including the distinctions between Classes I, II, and III; the difference between Divisions 1 and 2; and Zones 0, 1, and 2
  • Be familiar with the typical classification of some common occupancies

Who Will Benefit

Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects.

Course Summary

  • Areas are classified based on the fire and explosion properties of ignitable materials that are present in the area. Typically, areas are not classified if other ignition sources are normally present, if explosives or pyrophoric materials are present, or if experience has shown that a particular type of installation has not resulted in fires or explosions due to electrical equipment.
  • Area classification identifies areas where special electrical equipment and wiring methods are required to reduce the likelihood of a fire or explosion.
  • Special electrical equipment is needed so that the electrical equipment is not an ignition source for the flammable or combustible materials.
  • Alternatives to the use of special electrical equipment include moving the equipment from the classified area, using circuits with insufficient available energy to ignite the materials in the classified area, and reducing or eliminating the hazard through the use of ventilation or through purging and pressurizing.