Zone Classification

$ 29.00

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10

Expected Duration: 1 Hour

This self-paced online course covers how to employ correct protection methods where Class I areas have been classified by Zone. Zone classification offers an alternative to classifying areas by division using 3 zones rather than 2 divisions, and also offers some alternative protection methods.

Upon completion you should be able to:

  • Identify which Zone and Division areas are equivalent to each other
  • Identify when and why NEC standards allow Zone-classified and Division-classified areas to be adjacent
  • List and explain wiring methods permitted in various Zone-classified areas and how they compare to methods permitted in Division-classified areas
  • Explain how and why protection methods permitted in Zone-classified areas are different compared to Division-classified areas
  • Distinguish between flameproof and explosionproof equipment and explain where each is suitable
  • Explain how requirements for cable and conduit seals are different in Zone-classified areas

Who Will Benefit

Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects

Course Summary

  • Zone classification is an alternative method of classifying hazardous areas. Most significantly, the zone classification method provides some protection methods that are different from those used in areas classified by division.
  • Zones 0 and 1 combined are approximately equivalent to Division 1 and Zone 2 is equivalent to Division 2.
  • Because Zone 0 includes the highest-risk areas of Division 1, the remaining areas of Zone 1 may use protection methods that may not be suitable for Division 1 areas.
  • The wiring methods used in zone-classified areas are mostly the same as those used in division-classified areas.
  • Some of the alternative protection methods include flameproof, encapsulated, powder-filled, and increased safety.
  • The permitted methods may be suitable for Zone 0, 1 and 2, Zone 1 and 2, or only Zone 2.
  • Sealing requirements in zones are also essentially the same as for division-classified areas with the exception of specific requirements for flameproof and encapsulated equipment.