Warehouse Fire Safety - Fire Problems
$ 29.00
Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10
Expected Duration: 1 Hour
In this self-paced online course on Warehouse Fire Safety, you will be exposed to the unique and common fire problems involved with the storage of goods. The course will present the major causes of fires in warehouses and discuss the actions you can take to reduce these fires.
Upon completion you should be able to:
- Describe the hazards associated with the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, aerosols or gasses.
- Explain the hazards of packaging material.
- List storage techniques and the fire hazards associated with them.
- Understand the hazards associated with special warehouses.
- List the common causes of warehouse fires
- Explain solutions to mitigate warehouse fire causes.
Who Will Benefit
Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects
Course Summary
- The fundamental elements of the warehouse fire problem. We have showed you the kinds of storage arrangements and explained how warehouses present a very serious fire potential.
- The causes of warehouse fires. And, we have discussed some of the protection measures you can take to prevent and control warehouse fires.