Automatic Sprinkler Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

$ 29.00

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.00

Expected Duration: 0 Hours

This self-paced online course covers the inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for automatic sprinkler systems, which are found in NFPA 25. The owner of a property is fully responsible for inspecting, testing, and maintaining the building sprinkler systems.

Upon completion you should be able to:

  • Follow proper impairment handling procedures when tests or maintenance require shutdown of the system.
  • Understand the inspection requirements of sprinkler valves for wet-pipe, dry-pipe, deluge, and preaction systems.
  • Understand the inspection requirements of other system components that require regular inspection.
  • List key points covered in the inspection required for every sprinkler valve
  • How often to conduct a main drain test and other tests, depending on the type of sprinkler system.
  • How often all sprinkler control valves must be operated through their full range of movement.
  • Understand which sprinkler system components must be repaired or replaced on a specific schedule, and which components must be repaired when damage is detected during routine inspections and tests.

Who Will Benefit

Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects.

Course Summary

  • The requirements for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of all types of automatic sprinkler systems are found in NFPA 25.
  • The owner of a property is fully responsible for inspecting, testing, and maintaining the building sprinkler systems.
  • Always follow proper impairment handling procedures when tests or maintenance require shutdown of the system.
  • Sprinkler valves for wet-pipe, dry-pipe, deluge, and preaction systems must be inspected to verify normal water supply pressure, that there is no physical damage, and that there is no leakage from the valve or trim piping. The extent of the inspection and the inspection frequency depend on the type of sprinkler valve.
  • Other system components also require regular inspection, including strainers, filters, orifices, alarm devices, backflow prevention assemblies, fire department connections, piping, sprinklers, spare sprinklers, and the conditions with the building.