Circuit & Conductor Types

$ 29.00

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.10

Expected Duration: 1 Hour

On sale for a limited time!

This self-paced online course covers National Electrical Code requirements for circuits and conductors. Understanding the different types of circuits defined by the NEC is important because finding the requirements for any given circuit depend on knowing which type of circuit is involved.

Upon completion you should be able to:

  • Explain the three primary types of circuits found in a power distribution system.
  • Explain the requirements for different types of service conductors.
  • Describe requirements for feeders.
  • Describe requirements for branch circuits.
  • Outline requirements for special purpose circuits and conductors, including:
    • flexible cords.
    • fixture wires.
    • remote control and signaling circuits.
    • class 1, 2 and 3 circuits.
    • fire alarm circuits.
    • communication circuits.
    • optical fiber circuits.

Who Will Benefit

Anyone whose job involves designing, reviewing, evaluating or installing fire protection systems, including: designers, installers, engineers, electrical contractors, technicians, project managers, fire marshals, and architects.

Course Summary

  • The three primary types of circuits found in a power distribution system are services, feeders and branch circuits.
  • Service conductors connect a utility to the wiring system of the premises being served. The service point is where the utility's wiring ends and premises wiring begins. There are many different types of conductors with different names and functions before and after this point. The type of service conductors will affect the methods of installation and the equipment that can be connected.
  • Feeders are conductors between the power supply source and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device protecting the circuit.
  • Branch circuits are the conductors between the final overcurrent device and the outlet where the circuit is connected to utilization equipment.
  • The NEC also includes requirements for many other special purpose circuits.